Superhero and Ourselves, or Myself (- - )7

I love superhero characters ... why amI so in love with them? It could be because they offer me escapism from reality (as my current research teaches me). I often imagine to have their powers ,becoming powerful like them as I am a weak person who cannot do anything, frankly. So I just love them. here is my most favorite superheroes and why I like them. This post is something a little bit personal as it is about me, and yes IT IS MY OWN BLOG ... Lol

1. Angel (X Men)
I like Angel. I like those wings. Wings symbolizes freedom. As the picture above, it is a scene where Angel firstly flies. The first time for him to be free.And I want to fly away to grasp my own freedom.

2. Charles Xavier
What will it be like to have the power of the strongest physchic in the world. You can read someone's mind, erase their memory, manipulate their memory, and do anything you like to with anyone's memory. It is scary for me to say this, but it feels like I want to have my revenge to those who discredited me. It is may be the dark side of me.

3. Storm
Storm is my next favorite superhero. She has to hide her anger to control her powers. She always needs to suppress her anger so she is always calm. But once she is angry, her power is uncontrollable. In most times, I always conceal my anger as storm. But once I get lost control, I will be raging as no one ever see.

Above all, I choose the X Men characters because they are all mutants. Mutants are not accepted in the society. Mutants need to struggle to be accepted in the society. I somewhat feel like them. I am still struggling to be accepted by others. So, you know me more then based on my favorite superhero characters? ^_^ So, do you have your most favorite superhero characters? Why do you like them? Go find the answer yourself... and share it with me if you please ^_^


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