Hmm ... I am informing you (as if i have any follower in this, LOL) that I move in Well, it's just that I need fresher environment (silly excuse = D ) Find me there guys !
Last Saturday, I got a runny nose -kind of severe, as I recalled- not because of sick, but because I watched a Korean movie entitled WeddingDress . Wedding Dress Movie Poster (link contains spoiler) I have frequently watched Korean movies. In my opinion, they are much better than Indonesian movies. Not that I dislike my country (I just dislike Indonesia’s movies), but yeah, Korean movies have a wide range of preference. You can watch cheesy-funny-romantic movie that make you feel happy and smile all the time. Or try to watch a horror-romanticmovie that makes you laugh and scared. You can also find cool action movie ! Some movies even make me cry a lot . I really mean it when I say some Korean movies really make me cry so badly. Wedding Dress is one that makes me cry. I am a boy and I cry. So what? I don’t buy the ubiquitous saying ‘Boys don’t cry’. Wedding Dress narrates the life of a single mother, Go-eun, played by Song Yun Ah . Her husband dies already, leaving ...
Sore ini twitter timeline saya kebanjiran tweets adek tingkat yang sedang mengikuti seminar mainstream. Di Jurusan Sastra Inggris saya memang pada semester akhir akan dibagi menjadi 4 bidang minat: Sastra, Linguistik, Kajian Amerika dan Penerjemahan. Setiap bidang memiliki keunggulan dan kekurangan masing masing. Mungkin demi alasan itu seminar ini diselenggarakan oleh EDCOM. Namun, berbagai reaksi yang muncul di twitter, sangat menarik diamati. Ada yang semula tertarik pada mainstream A, terus tertarik mainstream B. Ada yang semakin mantab dan yakin untuk memilih mainstream yang dari dulu telah disenangi. Ada yang bingung memiilih yang mana karena
Cinderella, the Front Runner of Disney Princess The Most Famous Disney Princess according to Wikipedia What is in your mind if I mention Disney princesses? You probably will conjure images of Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and other princesses. They all belong in a realm of American popular culture that is so hegemonic, even in Indonesian culture. We have been so accustomed to these characters that we take them for granted. Once we consume a popular culture product, we also consume the ideology embedded within. What do these princesses teach us, or teach your daughter? Can I say that Cinderella is a bad girl? Or Snow White as an evil character? No, surely not. They all belong to the ‘good’ girl. They are the protagonist of the story. Then, what are the characteristics of a ‘good girl’ according to the princess above? First of all, a good girl is so kind hearted. She is indeed too kind. Why does Cinderella obey all of her step mother’s request?...
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