Liaison Officer, Challenging yet so Interesting

Well, finally I decide to make a more personal post in my blog (who disagree? you? oh hell yeah... it's my blog). I am about to share my experience working as an LO (Liaison Officer). For three weeks, I experienced new working experience. I worked as an LO for two different international events. I am not trying to act as pro in this field, but I just want to share my experience in case you are interested in the same area.

To start, let me explain what an LO is. Liaison Officer is person(s) in charge of international delegations. For example, when there is an international conference which invite many international delegations, there will be LO in charge of each delegates. LO's main duty is to connect delegates to the committee. LO serves as the portal of information to delegates. LO must know the details of the event, including any changes (sudden changes). That is why, LO should always track any recent news regarding the event s/he works in. LO should also know much information about the city where the event is held. LO should know all tourism objects, restaurants, unique places, and other attractions in the city where the event is held. It is so important because sometimes delegates will ask to find something -local goods- to bring back to their home country.

Other thing that is needed as an LO is creativity. Sometimes, everything runs off the plans. Thus, LO must be creative to prepare the other plan when something goes off the plan. It needs clear thinking to set the next plan. LO must also not be reckless. LO must always keep his/her cool. interactive and communicative persons are the best people to fit in as LO. If an LO is always quite, seldom talking to his/her delegates than he/she will not make as a good LO. But an LO should also know the time when s/he must interact with his/her delegates and when is not.

To be an LO is so interesting because you can meet new people and make friends with them. You can even get 'brothers' (or sisters) when you are really close to your delegates. Becoming an LO is an appropriate job for those who likes talking, communicating, making friends, managerial things. It combines those sort of things to be a good LO. =)

"Oman Parachuting Team and Me"

This photo was taken during my work as an LO for the '13th Asiania Parachuting Championship', held in Solo, central java, Indonesia. I was the LO for Oman Parachuting Team. It was a very great experience becoming their LO. I had very great time with them. I look forward to meeting them again someday (somehow) =).


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