MTV 4LaY: The Commodification of "Alay"

This afternoon (December 22, 2010), I took a glimpse of a TV program in MTV Indonesia entitled MTV Alay. Well it was not that difficult to predict what this TV program is all about. As the name suggests, it presents shows  about “Alay” phenomena in Indonesian culture and society. This afternoon, the host of the show, VJ Daniel, interviewed three teenagers embracing “alay” identity, while VJ Daniel himself dressed in “alay” fashion. This program also featured video clips of Indonesian bands which could be labeled as “alay” band. "Alay" itself is a pop culture phenomenon in Indonesia to refer a broad of new pop cultural practices raging from music, fashion and writing style. "Alay" is broadly used to refer to cocky and cheesy persons. In short, "alay" is attached with negative values. A profound explanation of this term will be given later. 

However, why does MTV decide to dedicate a standalone program to this branch of new pop culture phenomena? What I have and what most people have in minds is that MTV usually airs top music, classy music. So why does MTV create a single program for this, as many people call it, an unclassy music. Does MTV merely try to mock these "alay" band and its fans? Or something else? To start the discussion, it is better for me to make a boundary, to set it clear of “alay” terminology and its contextual information.

“Alay” Defined
Browsing the definition of “alay”, I only cut across to one English-speaking open edit site. Well, welcome Mr. Wikipedia. It is quite surprising that this “pop culture phenomena”, so called the site, gets its entry. Alay is defined as follows:

Alay (or 4l4yAnak Layangan or Anak Lebay) is a pop culture phenomenon in Indonesia. It is a stereotype describing something “tacky” and “cheesy” (norak or kampungan, in Indonesian)[1].

Well, “alay” itself is able to form its own distinctive identity. “Alay” identity is observable from various points of view. Firstly, the most observable identity is on the unique text writing style. For example: “JuD9e mE aLL y0u wAnT, jUSt keEp tHe VeRdiCt t0 y0uRsELf.” [2]. “Alay” writing is a combination of capitalized and non-capitalized letters and also other characters including numbers or mathematical symbols. In one sense, “alay” people are expected to be creative to explore ideas of unique writing style. But, it also makes layman, who do not perceive the same code, difficult in decoding messages written in that unique style.

The next observable identity is in the music. “Alay” people are usually the fans of “alay” band. However, to define who or what “alay” bands is not that simple. Wikipedia states that “alay” band are pop rock Indonesian band. I disagree to that definition since it has no clear boundary. Perhaps, the easiest way to define “alay” band is bands incorporating Malay singing and musical style in their music. Malay singing style is characterized as having “cengkok” a distinctive singing style resembling to Dangdut, an Indonesian musical genre. “Alay” band is also characterized by the use of easy-listening tones and simple words in their lyrics. The fans of this kind of bands are usually also termed or stereotyped as “alay”. The Jakarta Post mentioned ST 12, Wali and Kangen Band as the examples "Alay Band" [3]. In the development, "alay" bands also develop “alay” fashion, the next identity embraced by “alay” people.

“Alay” fashion walks hand in hand in establishing this pop culture phenomenon. “Alay” bands become the trend setter for “alay” fashions. Below is the "alay" fashion guide [4], as cited from :
"Alay Fashion Guide?"

As cited from Wikipedia, "alay" fashion is stereotyped with " tight jeans, boxer, T-shirt beneath a plaid jacket and a cap" [5]. Usually, people who embrace this "alay" fashion are lower-class people who try to always look fashionable. Thus, they search for cheaper goods. "Alay" people who adopted "alay" fashion is also called as the fashion victim by The Jakarta Post.

The Consequences of Becoming "Alay"

A well-known cultural commentator from Indonesia, Koentjara Ningrat, also gives his opinion about "alay" phenomena:

"Alay adalah gejala yang dialami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia, yang ingin diakui statusnya diantara teman-temannya. Gejala ini akan mengubah gaya tulisan, dan gaya berpakain, sekaligus meningkatkan kenarsisan, yang cukup mengganggu masyarakat dunia maya. Diharapkan Sifat ini segera hilang, jika tidak akan mengganggu masyarakat sekitar" [6]
(Alay is a phenomenon happening in Indonesia's youth who wants to be recognized by others. This phenomenon requires its follower to alter the writing and dressing style, to increase narcissism. It is also quite troublesome to the cyber world user. It is expected that soon enough this phenomenon will evaporate. Otherwise, it will disturb surrounding people).  

The definition offered by Koentjara Ningrat posits notions that "alay" is like a social illness whose existence should be denied. Another definition by a psychologist can also be found in the web that holds the same view to "alay" phenomena. I also conducted a small research by observing some blogs posting about "alay". You can visit their pages as I provide the links on the end of the posting [7]. The reason why I choose to use blogs is because blogs contain personal opinions. It contains how people really feel regarding about this cultural phenomenon. I refer to three blog postings about "alay" and generally they express sentiment and dislike to "alay" people. "Alay" people are called as a threat to culture and society. "Alay" people are labeled with offensive callings. In short, they are widely condemned as cocky, cheesy and tacky. They are stereotyped negatively. They condemned "alay"-ism (is it offensive to call it so?) because it will downgrade the nations's moral values. 

MTV ALAY equals to Alay Commodified
MTV for so long has been praised as the television of cool music. It airs number one music. MTV for many people has become the source of music reference. One will only buy music which is aired in MTV. That is why, musicians struggle to get their music aired by this TV station. Let us say, musicians who get their music aired by MTV become a superstar. Clearly, we remember how Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears or other notable pop superstars achieve their stardom. It is all thanks to MTV.

MTV is the television of mainstream popular music. When one discusses about popular, then all of popular consequences are embedded within. As pointed by Nachbar and Lause, popular culture must reflect the beliefs and values of the society that produces it[8]. Popular culture is the work of capitalist industry. It is mass produced to appeal to mass society and thus, popular culture will generate enormous profits. To do so, Nachbar and Lause’s theory should be applied otherwise the products will not be popular. MTV then operates in the same way. It is widely produced, worldly in fact. Thus, in return of airing and promoting popular musicians, MTV get lots of profits indicated by ads aired during its programs.

However, the MTV Alay program in MTV Indonesia is a violation to the nature of MTV. Why so? “Alay” bands, at first, stand out side the Indonesian mainstream music. They do not belong in equal position, as some considered so, to the already established bands. When the first generation of “alay” band emerged, say Raja for example, many condemned them as cocky and cheesy. Their music and their singing style are considered weird and awkward. Their costumes are also so cocky, as claimed by many people. MTV Indonesia then firstly, DENIED the existence of this band. They were considered as lower class band.

“Kita mau jadikan MTV program musik yang berkualitas. Kita mau yang masuk ke MTV nanti band-band nomor satu atau nomor dua, band kelas bawah tidak akan masuk,” Dirut Global TV Daniel Hartono  (Roughly translated: “We want to make MTV a qualified music program. Only classified bands, either first or second rate band, are allowed to enter MTV. No lower class bands allowed.” Main Director of Global TV, tv station airing MTV Indonesia, Daniel Hartono). An interview on December 22, 2009[9].

If “alay” is stereotyped with negative values, then “alay” band shall not be considered as the first or second rate band. Thus, according to Daniel Hartono, they did not deserve to enter MTV. Then, why can finally MTV Alay come into existence?

MTV in its very nature is another product of capitalist industry. Its sole purpose then is to gain profits as many as it can. A surprising fact about “alay” or lower-class band, as noted by Daniel Hartono implicitly, is that they sell more copies than “normal” band do. In Indonesia, there is this unique way of selling music called the ring back tones. Nowadays, the selling of ring back tones overturn the selling of CDs or cassettes (yes, we still sell cassette in Indonesia). “Alay” band surprisingly sells more and more ring back tones than the normal band. They gained millions rupiahs from this although their video clips were not featured in MTV. And may be this becomes the reason why MTV dedicated a special stand alone program for them now.

MTV Alay featured the host, VJ Daniel dressing in an “alay” fashion. He wore “alay” identity although he is not an actual “alay” himself. And then, the program regularly featured “alay” band video clips. The intention of the show is actually obvious. MTV, for so long, has been declared to set the standard of popular music. Then, to declare which music that does not meet the standard, MTV creates this program. By doing this MTV will get more people watch this show. For “alay” haters, they become curious to know which band declared “alay” by MTV. It is also often that the host dresses in a costume that will trigger laughter from many people. In one way it dismisses and mocks the “alay” band and alay “haters” can laugh along the show. For “alay” lovers, MTV Alay is considered as the recognition of MTV to their music. They finally have their own representation on the TV show.

Therefore, there is a  logical argument that can be drawn i.e. MTV only commodifies “alay” and its identities such as music, fashion and also writing style as represented in the symbol of the program and in the official Twitter account of the show (@Mtvalay). MTV only sells “alay” although it is considered low-class music even by them. MTV needs to do so because “alay” band are the popular bands nowadays that have more listeners and fans and this means more profits for them. If the rating of MTV Alay is high enough, much advertising then will queue in the slot.  

MTV Alay aired by Global TV Indonesia then shows us that actually MTV only tries to generate profits by selling or commodifying "alay" music although "alay" itself is a termed that demeans anything attached by it. "Alay" people for example, is used as a term to refer a cocky person. Thus, "alay" music is used to refer cocky and cheesy music. This is what Daniel Hartono might call as lower-class music. It is indisputable that "alay" music is the most popular music genre in Indonesia nowadays. Thus, MTV Indonesia dedicates a single program to specifically discuss this genre. It does so merely to get more people (haters and lovers at the same time) to watch it and make it have higher rating. In the end, more advertising (read: profits) will flow in. It works as a perfect model of capitalist industry that produces popular culture products. MTV, in my opinion, is not the guardian of the music standard as its sole nature is to gain profit, and lots of that.

[1] Alay definition in
[2] Kuswandi, D. November 28, 2009. "Messing With Letters". The Jakarta Post:
[3] ibid
[4] "Benci Alay Karena Memang Syirik Atau Menyebalkan" Blog by Joy Homework at
[8] Nachbar J. and Lause K. 1992. Popular Culture: An Introductory Text. Popular Press.
[9] News about Global TV's announcement to ban lower class music to enter MTV


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