Osama and Obama

It's 10.45 am here in this part of the world. I opened my notebok, logged in my twitter. To my surprise, the twitter accounts of various notable media: NYTimes, BBC, Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe all reported the death of Osama bin Laden, the person behind various terrorism attacks to US, including the notorious September 11 attack.

Al-Qaeda founder and leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US forces, President Barack Obama has said [BBC News].
Update: Osama bin Laden is dead and his body has been recovered by U.S. authorities, U.S. officials say #BinLadenDead [jakarta globe twitter account]
 The death of the world's most-wanted terrorism group Al Qaeda's leader will end an almost 10-year long manhunt after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. [Jakarta Post]
 President Obama announced late Sunday thatOsama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, was killed in a firefight during an operation he ordered Sunday inside Pakistan, ending a 10 year manhunt for the world’s most wanted terrorist. American officials were in possession of his body, he said. [NYTimes]
 As an American Studies student, certainly this is a breath taking news. There will be some consequences pertaining to the death of Osama bin Laden. There will be major influence in US society in several factors.

Firstly, it will bring back hopes to Americans. The September 11 brought about a new notion to the country i.e. 'Everything has changed'. Every notion regarding to US pre September 11 changed. It included the myth of superpower nation and the police of the world. Americans saw their country after that event as a pool of uncertainty and anxiety. In 1990s, if there was a safest place on earth, it could be USA. But it was not after the event took place. The event destroyed those myths. After September 11, most Americans did not feel safe anymore. However, with the death of Osama bin Laden, I'm sure that Americans will gradually gain their optimism. It is like a bliss in a hot summer. It may also bring back the myth of US as a superpower nation.

The next is the direct influence to Mr. Barrack Obama. His presidential term will end next year. I think if he is about to run for the next term, he will definitely have stronger bargaining position. It is his greatest accomplishments so far. Although, it a little bit contradicts with his campaign during his running for presidency last 2008. He promised to withdraw US troops as soon as he got elected, while in fact he sent more troops.
Well the death of Osama seems beneficial for Obama. He has tough days lately. He is being accused socialist, not native born (by the would be Republican presidential candidate - Donald Trump), and being the objects of mockery by Tea Party Movement.

I think in the next post, I will try to scrutinize Obama's speech. It will be interesting to analyze what kind of ideology underlying his speech about this issue.


  1. aku kira postingan ini seputar kesalahan penyebutan nama yg terjadi di media (tp aku lupa nama medianya apa)
    di situ disebutkan kalo "Obama bin Laden" bukan Osama. karena namanya hampir mirip..

  2. haha anda tertipu dg judul saya lgi :P eh Pon, kao cari buku, buka aja My (E)Books Collection :D sapa tau ada buku yang bisa kamu pakai :)


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