Solo Batik Carnival 2011 Rocks !!

I just got home from Solo Batik Carnival 2011. It was awesome. I needed efforts to get to the comfortable spot to watch this annual parade. This year, it was held in the evening causing more people flooding Slamet Riyadi Street, Solo. Yet, it was worth it. Below is some pictures that I captured, sorry if it is blurred. To get a very smooth picture in that kind of situation with just digital camera is such a heaven blessing hahaha...



It really was beautiful although it is too short ... we want more !!! I hope next year will be better, and please organize the audience !! 

Come to Solo on June - July, many international events await You ! :)


  1. i don't know why, but i think 2009 was better than this year.. :-)

  2. 2009 tuh yg kedua ya? aku lupa, tpi bagusan tahun lalu sih

    soalnya ini temanya juga "mitologi" jadinya kostume nya ya gitu2 aja, bisa ditebak sih

  3. 2009 itu yg kedua.. iya juga sih. selain itu performernya sedikit.. terlalu banyak penonton yg memadati jalan hingga sulit untuk performernya berjalan.. kmarin jg banyak sih yg agak kecewa dgn SBC ini.. hhe

    menurutku foto2 ini malah lebih keren daripada ngeliat langsung acaranya.. hehe

  4. yg kedua udah lupa pon hhha ... yg tahun lalu aku ngga liat waktu hari H soalnya lgi ber LO an ria :D tapi sempat liat akhirny pada acara parachuting

    wah pdahal butuh perjuangan memfoto mereka hehehe desak2an nya weleh2 lah


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