Extended Family Tour 2011: Bali

I just spent lebaran's holiday in Bali with my extended family. Yeah, we departed from Solo in September 1, 2011 spending four days there. Well, although I once went to Bali, this time the nuance was so different as I went there with my extended family, not friends. Below are some pictures of my trip :) Please enjoy my narcissism hahahahaaaa..... 


Ratna Transport's Bus
Entering the Bus !! 

At Tanah Lot

Photo by Yudha Aditya 

Photo by Yudha Aditya 

Photo by Yoga Pramudita

At Tanjung Benoa - Sea Turtle Island

Frankly, I was saddened by this tourist attraction as people broke the rules! they rode on the back of the sea turtles despite the prohibition! In addition, I personally thought that the tourists did not treat the sea turtles well as they chased and even stepped on their backs! I think that sea turtles in this island must be stressed out. They need to be freed to the ocean!

Intermezzo: A complex of Mosque - Protestant Church - Catholic Church - Buddhist Temple - Hindu's Temple 
I could only capture Mosque (in which my family had Jumuah Prayer) and the Protestant Church.

At Pura Uluwatu: Indian Ocean Scenery from the top of the Pura

Photo by Dik Fajar hahaha

I personally think this project (GWK) will never be finished.
Imagine how many years since its inception?  Yet it is still only 20% finished ... 

Photo by Yudha Aditya

Photo by Yudha Aditya

At Pura Tirta Empul: the Only Pura that is Accessible for Tourists 
When we entered this pura, there was Hinduism ritual was on the go. I thought that our presence somehow distracted their prayers. I think that there should be some limitations as to where tourist may look around the pura. I think it is impolite for us tourists to take pictures the Hinduists while they had their religious rituals. 

Photo by Aunty Ninik

Photo by Yoga Pramudita

Tadaaaaaa: hahaha please describe this with your own words :) wakakakaaa
Photo by my brother, Fauzan
the Hotel's Corridor
In the Bus (photo by Jossie)

At Sangeh

Photo by Yoga Pramudita

At Joger

Photo by Yoga Pramudita

At Bedugul 

Photo by Yoga Pramudita

Photo by Yoga Pramudita
That is all ... more pictures are in my hdd haha... How was your holiday? tell me your stories :)


  1. wah ada gue...lu nemu gue dimana???

  2. nemu dimana yaa... alhamdulillah lah hahahaha :) hehe

  3. untuk lebih lengkapnya, silakan kunjungi akun facebook saya

  4. wah seru dan asyik nih liburannya..

    ngomong2 aku setuju denganmu Riz, GWK sepertinya gak bakal selesai.. lha dari dulu ampe sekarang, fotonya masih sama.. cuman torso dan kepala burung garuda.. hehe

  5. eh ngomong2, fotomu yg lagi jalan di GWK keren Riz.. haha

    oiya, selamat wisuda ya Riz..

  6. wah asyiknya main ke Bali
    btw selamat ya mas dah wisuda
    mudah-mudahan cepat sukses berkarir

  7. Amiiiin atas doa nya teman teman semua, cepet pada nyusul ya yg belum selesai hehehe :)

  8. Nice post!!beautiful pictures..very intresting and very informative..really thanks for sharing..
    cross platform media

  9. You went to Bali with your extended family but I saw Pipit was also there on photes. My question, is Pipit a member of your ext familiy? :) :)

  10. I think your eyes might be blinded wkkk =P

    it's a long long long story safrin ;)


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