December's Snowy Theme

You probably wonder why my blog is decorated with snow flakes all over places...

It's not that I celebrate Christmas (well Christmas is massively related to snow), but I admit that it has little thing to do with it. I watched latest Glee episode about Christmas and there is the scene that shows snows falling down from the sky. It was so beautiful that made me miss wandering around snow as I did earlier this year.

Well I got the chance to enjoy my very first snow in my lifetime in United States. Thanks to US Department of State for granting me SUSI Scholarship. It was really cool when I watched, touched and felt snow for the very first time. It was cold, lol surely it is. A friend of mine even dared to eat it!! Lucky enough he did not get sick for eating it.

Now, watching latest Glee episode entitled Extraordinary Merry Christmas brought me back to memorizing those joyful days of walking around the street when snows were falling down from sky, or even walking in the midst of New York's skyscrapers in a massive snow storm! The point is I miss snow!

To ease this feeling, I better show you some pictures of snow that I captured last January - February haha ... Enjoy these pics :)

And more snow!!! Hahaha ... i love this cold white thingy :)


  1. almost the same with what i wondered before why the template is full of snow..

    well, just believe that you'll touch the snow again someday. ;-D

  2. Hehe amiiiin ato ngga semoga salju turun di Indonesia hihihihi

  3. di gunung jaya wijaya Indonesia ada salju abadi lho.. hehe..

    klo salju turun di Indonesia ato tepatnya di pulau jawa, semoga bukan pertanda global warming yg semakin parah. hehehe


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