Project Dieng ~ Vacation Pics

I am sorry for neglecting this blog for ages. Some business in the past two months really kept me from updating this blog. Therefore, let me start by posting some lighter posting hahaha ...

Well, the past two months were very hectic as I was involved in a recruitment process of becoming a journalist (a journalist to be precisely) in a very well known English newspaper in Indonesia. Thanks God, I was able to make it through. I am leaving Solo by the end of this month, sad, happy, excited, worried, oh well this feeling is indescribable ... Hahaha ... But surely I am going to walk through it. :)

During the past two months, I traveled a lot, back and forth Jakarta and Solo (it will be fourteen time by the end of this month). Lucky me, I was still able to have vacation to Dieng Plateau, located in Central Java in October 2011. It was a great trip spent with my great friends. Well, below are some of great pictures taken by a very great photographer "Al Muwafiqi".

Lost in Dieng Plateau (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi)
At Kawah Sikidang ... The sulfur smells so "good" (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi
At Kawah Sikidang ... Pose #2 (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi)  
Well ... I don't know what to say about this hahah lols (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi)   
Love this pic thanks once again to the amazing photographer and editor Al Muwafiqi 
This one taken at Telaga Warna ... Amazing spot!! By the way, introducing the newest Indonesian boyband lols (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi
Album cover of an undecided CD ... coming soon (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi)  
Behind the scene ... photo by Dani Aditya, editing by Al Muwafiqi
The Personnel of Project Dieng vacation (photo and editing by Al Muwafiqi
It was really great experience to be there and most important thing, spending it with friends (while I can). Thanks for the drivers: Arwan Wisnu P and Hanif Genang for taking us SAFELY to those places. But mostly, thanks for Al Muwafiqi (the one with flannel shirt) and Dani Aditya (the one with white T shirt holding his gadget in the above picture) for these fabulous pictures. I really wish to have more vacations photos ahead. :)  


  1. congratz and gud luck for your new path of life Riz.. amazing things lie ahead on the future. :-)

    nice pictures by the way.
    somehow, it reminds me to nowadays boyband.
    7 men 7 heroes.. LOL

  2. Haaa?? is there any boyband named so? 7 men 7 heroes hahahahaaaa

    iya nih, we are now walking our own paths ... hopefully, our paths will cross someday :D

  3. ada donk. (S)even (M)en * (S)even (H)eroes
    ato jangan2 foto2 di atas mau nyaingin band tersebut ya?? haha

    yup. see you someday my friend. :)
    i'm so grateful we're predestined to meet.

  4. Hahah sebenarnya malah mau bikin baru, belom nemu namanya sih :D

    I am also grateful to know u :) kalo ke jakarta mampir ya

  5. siap Riz..
    klo ada kesempatan ke Jakarta lagi, aku akan sempatkan mampir.. :-)


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