Graduation ... Alhamdulillah finally

Yesterday, September 8, 2011 finally i had my graduation ceremony. I am now officially hold the title "Bachelor in English Language and Literature" (although I prefer Bachelor in American Studies hahahahaaa).

Shaking hands with pak Rektor UNS
(saat maju menerima ijasah sempat ngeblank tiba-tiba teringat mama hhha
somehow I just knew that she was also watching  this from above dan juga teringat wulan hiks)
I thank all of my friends in English Department 2006 for their supports and companions during my time in ED. I was so relieved to have friends like them. I specially thank my American Studies 2006 class for everything they gave me in the last semesters of my study.

Last but not least, I thank my lecturers in English Department, especially to my thesis supervisor Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.Hum, Ph.D for inspiring me so much. I hope someday I can be as great as her amiiiiin.

Below are some pictures of my graduation ceremony.

Part I

Taken by some of my great friends: Ferrial Pondrafi, Susi Anjarsari, Hanif Genang. Thank you guys for capturing my moments. Someday, I hope I can repay my debt.

Part II

Taken by my uncle, Sapto Wibowo. Thank you very much for coming and taking these great pictures.

And here is my favorite photo selection:

some of American Studies class 2006 students ... ayo yang belum make toga segera pada nyusul yaaa ... i am always praying for you all ... success in this life and hereafter ... it is my pleasure and honor to befriend with all of you
(from left to right: ferrial pondrafi, astaria purwaningrum, arwan wisnu p., muhammad rizqi a (me), tri setyarini, suci ariyani, rena aprilia tanjung)
It is sad to know that we are now in our own ways and paths ... But life must go on ... We've got to grow :) I am very grateful for given chance to know and befriend with all of you ... success awaits us all in the future ... amiiin


  1. aku juga foto yg terakhir itu Riz.. tp yg pas bagian depan..

    well, congratulation ya Riz..
    pekerjaan yg membutuhakan peran dan tanggung jawabmu telah menanti di depan..
    go get it and do the best for it.. :-)

  2. ralat: aku juga suka foto yang terakhir itu Riz.. tp yg pas bagian depan..

  3. amiiin saling mendoakan ya pon :D keep in touch pokoknya biar cuma didunia maya :D

  4. Thanks for such a nice sharing..keep it up..
    cross platform media


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