
Showing posts from March, 2011

Skripsi .. Thesis .. or Whatsoever You May Call This !!

Mari menulis sesuatu yang bersifat curhat dan sampah  (edited based on the suggestion by rizalfikry ) sekali - kali hahah ... Setelah tiga jam duduk dan mengetik di depan layar komputer saya pun menyerah. Saya memasang status di twitter: Sudah buntu ... tak ad ilham... drpd nggambleh nulis ngga ceto sudhi saja tuk malam ini besok lagi hhh :D #alonalonwatonkelakon Yah, proses menulis skripsi adalah proses terakhir untuk lulus dari bangku kuliah perguruan tinggi tingkat Sarjana di Indonesia. Yah, Indonesia memang berbeda dengan katakanlah Amerika (ya iyalah -__-" hahaha). Di sana, mahasiswa yang mengambil tingkat bachelor atau sarjana tidak diharuskan menulis skripsi. Yang menulis skripsi adalah siswa yang mengambil program honors. Setidaknya itu yang dikatakan pembimbing skripsi saya dan pada akhirnya saya ketahui juga setelah tanya beberapa teman Amerika ketika berada disana. Menulis skripsi, sebenarnya apa sih yang menyebabkan banyak mahasiswa lama dalam proses ini? Banya...

The Old City Philadelphia

Hey friends, other photo sets are on the go ... Below are some of my journey at the very first days of my visit to US. We were brought to some historical sites at the heart of Philadelphia. This city is really historic. There are some key events taking place here. To mention some are the drafting as well as the signing of Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. It is the hometown of Benjamin Franklin and is where he is buried. It is also a very historical city in the context of religious freedom. There are plenty religions exist there. There are various churches of Catholic and Protestant's denominations on every corner of the streets. The oldest synagogue is also located there. And, it is the city where American Muslims mostly live. Don't be surprised if you wander at the town and meet women in veils. Enjoy ... The Old City Philadelphia Trolley Tour Part I Part II of the trolley tour will be added soon I get the photos from my friend >,<

Meredefenisikan Pluralisme

Masjid dan Gereja yang berdiri berdampingan di Solo Di antara kedua bangunan ini ada tugu berbentuk lilin tapi berwarna hijau yang merupakan gabungan simbol agama Protestan (lilin) dan Islam (warna hijau). Bangunan ini dimaknai sebagai simbol kedamaian dan toleransi antar kedua umat beragama ini. Pluralisme, di Indonesia kata ini terdengar begitu mengerikan bagi orang orang yang paham akan implikasi apa yang terkandung di baliknya. Saya, pada awalnya tidak begitu memperhatikan benar kata ini. Pun demikian ketika saya mendaftar untuk beasiswa dari US Department of State yang bernama Study in United States Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Religious Pluralism . Pada awalnya saya beranggapan bahwa pluralisme hanyalah adanya keberagaman, lebih dari satu jenis. Saya pada saat itu termasuk orang awam yang tidak tahu implikasi apapun yang ada di baliknya. Ketika saya mendapat telepon dari Kedubes Amerika yang mengabarkan saya diterima dalam beasiswa tersebut, saya pun merasa senan...

Sharing Experience, RIA FM Sunday, February 27, 2011

Last Sunday, I went to a local radio station. RIA FM is a local radio station in Solo which is quite famous. They agreed to have me as their guest in one of their English radio program. During the one hour show, there were some questions from listeners that I found interesting to share here. Q: "What is your most interesting experience when you were in USA?" When joining SUSI RPA2011, I found so many interesting programs. However, there were two most significant program that I chose. Firstly, I said that this program gave me the opportunity to interact with many religious group that I never had interactions with. In this program, my group and I were brought to various houses of worships in Philadelphia and Florida. We were introduced to different kind of Churches denominations (i never heard the word 'denomination' before I joined the program :D ), Synagogues from two (and three for my self) denominations, Buddhist temple, and Bahai community, a religion...

SUSI RPA Photo Set

Participants of SUSI RPA Winter 2011 from Indonesia (Art Class) I create some photo set to remember my experience in SUSI RPA 2011 ... Enjoy ... The first set is my departure from Solo and Jakarta. The second set is about Temple University, Philadelphia. The last set is about class activities. Really missing these moments.... Departure - Arrival Temple University  In class - lectures - discussion Seriously, lectures in US are not boring. I really love how they teach us. There will be more photo sets in process just wait and see :)