Redefining Pluralism

Pluralism is a scary word for people who know its implications in Indonesia. At the first time, I was involved in group of people who knew nothing about its implication. Thus, I eagerly applied for a scholarship sponsored by US Department of State for a study in US for five weeks entitled Study in United States Institute(SUSI) for Student Leaders on Religious Pluralism. I thought that pluralism was simply defined as diversity and variety, that it is not singular. When I received a phone call from US Embassy saying that I was accepted for the program, I started to study deeper about pluralism.

When I started to get some references for my program, I cut across to a fatwa, a decision from Indonesian Uelama Council (MUI) stating that religious pluralism is haram, it is forbidden for Muslim. MUI defined pluralism as a belief that unifies all religions. Religious pluralism leads to syncretism, considering all religions are the same and right, so said MUI. I instantly was shocked and surprised, knowing to what sphere I was in. I started to think whether what I would study was forbidden or not, whether I would be sinful or not for studying this subject. However, it evoked my curiosity. I browsed and found that the loyal supporter of pluralism is the Islamic liberal groups. I found so many debates concerning about pluralism in Islam, be it pros and cons. I positioned my self as a scholar in the debates, taking no stand on this phenomenon. I read both pros and cons arguments and hoped to gather a better perspective in understanding both sides.

The time then came when I had to go to US to study about religious pluralism. I was then exposed to class lectures and field trips. The class lecture’s materials consisted of discussion about American democracy, history, constitution and government. Then it shifted to materials about the introductions to religions existing in US ranging from Protestant, Catholic, and Islam to Buddha and Bahai,yet there are still many other religions in US.  The next week, we discussed about how this plural society interact one to each other. We learned that conflict and violence are the most common interactions when these different groups of people came into contact for the very first time. Then finally, we learned about the importance of interreligious dialogue as a medium to bridge the differences. It is used to resolve conflicts. Beside class materials, the group and I were brought to visit houses of worship like churches, mosques, synagogues and temples. We were present at their services and acted as observer.

Within each session, I wondered which part of the material and discussion that led to unifying all religions? In fact, I found no such teachings there. Finally, I came to a conclusion that what I feared back then was wrong. Religious pluralism I studied in US does not lead to syncretism as defined by MUI.

Religious pluralism I studied is the next stage of religious tolerance. Religious tolerance is a stage in which all members of the society are aware that they live in a plural environment. In religious tolerance, we recognize the existence of the Other, and that's it. It stops to that point. Pluralism is the next stage of it. It leads to more than recognition of the Other. It leads to interreligious interaction and cooperation in order to create a better society. It is important to note that within pluralism, each group maintains each own tradition and identity. 

Theoretically, I can say that pluralism is actually a sociological term that enables the existence of interreligious cooperation in social life. It does not belong to theological term that means unifying all religions. By this definition, I can be a devout Muslim, practicing all commandments of my religions. Yet, by being a devout Muslim does not stop me from being friend, interacting with people whose beliefs are different from me. This relationship is also based on respect. As a Muslim, I respect what Other people believe as true for I have my own Truth. And as fellow humans, I think, we do not need to impose our Truth to others who have already chosen what they believe as true. This relationship which is based on mutual respect and understanding is pluralism.    

Versi Bahasa Indonesia


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